Around the Delaware Arc

Your best guide to Northern Delaware and Southeastern Pennsylvania

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AROUND THE DELAWARE ARC is an information-packed collection of 101 short narratives about the people, places, and lore that converge in a unique Landscape of Meaning, creating a mutual enchantment of place and person.

These elegantly written narratives stand alone, each telling its own story. However, when the narratives are read together as related groups, or better, as a complete collection, the Landscape of Meaning becomes palpable.

This book is a good read on its own merits, and should the reader wish to explore the area, will help the explorer better understand and more deeply experience Northern Delaware and Southeastern Pennsylvania – AROUND THE DELAWARE ARC.  
  • Handsome  8.5 inch square softcover edition 
  • 227 pages
  • 120 images and illustrations
  • $18.99

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